Protect Your Intellectual Property by Hiring an Experienced Attorney.
Why is a patent important to you?
Many of our clients are inventors, scholars, engineers, and business owners. Their creative process is important and protecting their work can be a challenge. Unfortunately, there are some who choose to take short cuts to steal those ideas and inventions and use them as their own. A patent is a form of intellectual property. As with other property interests, it can be owned by an individual or entity. The patent application process can establish your legal right to that property and provide for protections under the law. Those protections allow for judicial remedies that can keep the would-be thief from infringing on your idea or invention and provide for monetary compensation if infringement is found.
3 Types of Patents
Design Patent
A design something that is new and original. It refers to the surface ornamentation of an object that is different and district from others. It cannot imitate a naturally occurring or well-known object. Design Patents are good for a term of 14 years from the date they were granted by the USPTO.
Utility Patent
This is different than a design patent. A design patent deals with the way the object looks and a utility patent deals with how the object is used or works. A utility patent can be a new process, improvements, machine, or composition of an object. New Utility Patents are good for a term of 20 years from the application filing date.
Utility Patent
This is different than a design patent. A design patent deals with the way the object looks and a utility patent deals with how the object is used or works. A utility patent can be a new process, improvements, machine, or composition of an object. New Utility Patents are good for a term of 20 years from the application filing date.
Plant Patent
A Plant Patent is granted to an inventor who has produced or discovered and asexually reproduced a distinct and new variety of plant, other than a tuber propagated plant or a plant found in an uncultivated state. The Plant Patent lasts for a term of 20 years from the date of the filing of the application.
We recommend that you hire an experienced intellectual property attorney that can help you protect your patent. Our attorneys at Fontanez Law Firm have the experience you need.
- We can give you advice on the process.
- Perform a comprehensive search for you
- Provide professional legal advice on your likelihood of success in filing with the USPTO
- Prepare and file your application with the USPTO
- Monitor your application throughout all phases
- Advise you on potentially infringing patents
- Defend or prosecute patent infringement actions
616 South Boston Ave, Suite 300
Tulsa, OK 74119
1140 3rd Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20002